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    [URL=]The Regenerating Universe Theory[/URL][B][U][/U][/B]

    [B][U][SIZE=3]T.R.U.TH. and this Website[/SIZE][/U][/B]

    [I][SIZE=3](This page has been rewritten and expanded on 7th June 2005)[/SIZE][/I]

    [PP]This Regenerating Universe Theory may be said to be the result of studies or interests that extend over two life times or two generations. Let me explain!

    [PP][SIZE=3]My grand father Zeng Quan Fan ( [/SIZE]曾传勲 ) was the last officially conferred "Mandarin ( or Officer) of Yin and Yang" of the last imperial dynasty. "Yin and Yang" stand as a pair that represents the two poles of any opposition energies or any conflicting natures in existence, hence the poles are the base of dynamic symmetries. Yin and Yang are also the fundamentals of I-Ching, the Book of Change, which depicts that nature is perpetually in a state of change, yet maintaining balance through formations of dynamic symmetries, and the characteristics of those symmetries are relatable to the natures of events both in the cosmos and in life... Thus I-Ching describes the structure and function of nature and is therefore an ancient theory of cosmology. According to I-Ching, there are 64 types of symmetries, if one can identify the type of symmetry, then it is possible to predict the nature and outcome of an event. Consequently, I-Ching evolved to become also a tool of prediction, which would eventually lead to spiritual belief (please read details under [URL=]Related Topics[/URL] in page [URL=,_I-Ching_and_cosmology.htm]5) Story of Yin-Yang and the earliest correlation to cosmology[/URL]... So, grand-pa's office entailed the responsibility for philosophic interpretations of I-Ching and the administration of spiritual institutions, including religious temples. Naturally, grand-pa had dedicated a life time in the studies of this ancient cosmological philosophy and its predictive techniques (Please read story in [URL=]Related Topics[/URL] page [URL=]6) A proven 5000 years old unbroken chain of DNA[/URL])

    [PP][SIZE=3]My grand-pa passed away during an epidemic of bubonic plague in 1921.  He left behind a great deal of hand written materials, some of the more mysterious stuffs were carefully packed away by my youngest uncle Kee In. I was born 12 years after grand-pa's demise. During my early teens, I was fascinated by the stories told about my grand-pa and would secretly unpack those hidden writings and try to work out some of the predictive techniques as well as those mysterious occult magic. The attraction of those magical stuffs registered deeper than any school work... Eventually, I came to Hong Kong and in 1953 I landed in England for further education. One day in 1954 I heard the beeping sound of the first man made satellite Sputnik circulating in the sky. I immediately went to the book shop and bought two books, one was all about astronomy and the other was about the Expansion of Universe, namely the Big Bang. I didn't realize then that the sound of Sputnik had already started a life long interest in cosmology. In 1979 my health collapsed after a major surgical operation, in which 2/3 of my stomach were removed. What happened was that I had been taking increasingly large dose of Valium for well over 10 years as pain-killer of stomach ulcers.  [/SIZE][SIZE=3]After the operation I collapsed due to depletion of Valium in system, which had kept me going for more than 10 years, but the Hong Kong medical community only announced the dangerous effects of Valium in 1983 and stopped its sales without medical prescription....[/SIZE]

    My collapse forced me to stay at home for over 3 years. During those years I bought over 100 books on astronomy, cosmology, western astrology as well as books on Chinese and Indian predictive methods. I then programmed the Chinese I-Ching and Tze-Wee Star Calculations (also a well-known Chinese predictive techniques) as well as western astrology into my various computers, which I bought since 1973. I had finally linked my childhood interests on cosmological structure and influence to life with modern astronomical sciences

    [SIZE=3] [I](Note: Astrology is in fact based on theory and observation of motions in the solar system and the degrees of meridians on earth at which a person is situated, therefore, in scientific terms, astrology is the study of the energies from the solar planets affecting each life in any specific location on earth at any given moment, including the precise starting moment when the baby and its life-supporting system become independent from [/I][/SIZE]

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      its mother's system. Because all growth and decay of things and life are affected by cosmic energies, hence the evolution of species, which takes time, may depend on the energy fluctuation from galactic emissions, but events in human life are influenced chiefly by the changing cosmic energies from the nearby solar system. Basing on this knowledge and thousands of years of experiments, modern astrology uses the most accurate and up to date astronomical calculations, called ephemeris, to observe and predict those possible influences. The principle behind is not complicated because changing environmental forces are bound to effect changes in the environment. If you can predict the changing source of energies, then you might be able to predict the nature of resultant changes. The complication lies in that there are unending varieties of changing events, each comes with somewhat different initial conditions. So, an efficient astrologer requires years, if not decades, of experience to sum up the combined nature of resultant events... In the recent years more and more universities around the world have taken up research and curriculums on astrology or astrology related studies. One Kepler College in Seattle was established for devoted studies on astrology. This college was granted the status by the Board of Higher Education of the State of Washington to award Bachelor and Master Degrees )...

      During the years of the 1980s, I had already formed my own theory of the universe with its regenerative structures and functions, and found it to be able to explain the Expansion of Universe as well as many other cosmological phenomena. By end of 1989 I wrote a long letter addressed to a friend in Beijing, but the letter was designed to be handed to the senior leader Deng Xiao Peng. My hope was to persuade him to open up China with boldness and faster pace. It was reported that Deng passed my letter among other leaders for their reactions. He then echoed in She-Zhen by calling for a "bolder pace" in the open door policy of the time.  My long letter contained all sorts of discussions, and at the end of it I mentioned that the origin of the universe is not Big Bang, but in fact, the universe is a Regenerating Universe... You see, that's why I say the theory has taken two life times of studies and interests, because my studies have been really the extension of my grandfather's life long work. My grand-pa's work on Yin and Yang symmetries is now reflected in my postulate of the dynamic galactic symmetry that generates transmissible cosmic waves (electromagnetic radiations), which cause the expansion of universe and the regenerative cycles of universe as well as the cycles of life for everything in it. Yin and Yang, the fundamental poles of nature are also reflected in the fundamental poles of individual existences, such as poles of sexes and anti-particles of mass/energy...
      However, as a scientist and a mechanical engineer, I have had the practical training to observe the important difference between ancient philosophical wisdoms and the proof of modern sciences, also between traditional predictive practices and modern scientific understanding of the process. I therefore examine cosmic structures and the functions of those structures based entirely on astrophysics and quantum physics. I also have the freedom to choose between pure physics and the metaphysics to explain the manifestations of nature. Despite a life time of personal interest and decades of observational research using my own computer programs, also traveling far to participate conventions, I have never become a professional astrologer or seek any rewards.  My interests have always been purely academic. However, I did influenced a few talented younger friends to take up serious studies in astrology. These younger talents are already spreading their own influences around. I can see they will yet become the pillars of future astrology in this vicinity....
      I separate my work into two distinctly different categories, the one appearing in this website is purely the science of physics and astrophysics, but I had also published a small booklet in 1998, which is also called The Regenerating Universe (for free distribution only).  This book contains mainly description and explanation on the metaphysical aspects of the universe and life. Yet both categories, i.e. physics and metaphysics, are based on the actual structures of the universe. My years of interests have not let me down as I have personally found both categories to be interesting and realistic.
      This is the "Regenerating Universe" book of March 1998. Click on picture to view enlargement and its contents.

      The evolution of my youthful days interests in prediction eventually led me to join the American Federation of Astrologers (AFA) in 1991. Between 1992 and 2000 I had traveled 4 times to participate in AFA's annual world Conventions. In 1992 Convention in Chicago I gave a lecture entitled " The Universe and Astrology " and distributed on spot a dozen copies of pre-typed materials of that lecture, which already contained the brief descriptions of the regenerating universe (Please click " 1992 AFA Convention" to see records). Then in 1995 I sent a rather big compendium of materials, containing my various views and predictions on coming world political trends at the time, together with other none political observations, including the cause of Cancers and the copy of my 1992 AFA Convention lecture describing the regenerating universe, along with my congratulations to the UN chief Butros Butros Gali for the 50th Anniversary of UN (Please click "UN 50th Anniversary"). This long letter saw some positive developments in the next two years in UN and in the administration under President Bill Clinton. In year 2000 at the AFA Convention in La Vegas, I also gave a lecture entitled "The Structure of Universe", explaining how transmissible cosmic waves (electromagnetic radiations) are generated by the galactic force field symmetry and that their emission causes the expansion of universe as well as the regenerative cycles of the universal structure (Please click "2000 AFA Convention" to see records)... Note: For those who are interested and conversant with astrology I include the following two chart data here. 1) AFA:- 4th May 1939, 11:30:00 AM Est, Washington DC (77W02 38N54). 2) My own chart:- 6th Sept 1933 (near eclipse) 03:31:00 AM CCT, Hui An, Fujian Province, China, (118E47 25N04). You may find it interesting to compare these charts...
      Finally, not long after returning from the AFA 2000 Convention my 94 years old beloved mother passed away, I entered a deeply depleted and reflective period. Then I decided to start writing my theory on the universe, but this time it should be based on pure science and familiar facts of science. So I started to built an Internet website. I then directly write my thoughts on the site without prewritten scripts. It simply grew itself on the website, because the pages were not preconceived, I have had to update and reorganize them many times, just as I am rewriting this page now! I never realized that it would take me 4 years to come this far, but of course there is no hurry! Thanks to the Internet, it gives me the chance to correct, update and rewrite my points, which would not be possible to do if it had been a printed book... I shall continue to add and touch up the theory until I eventually turn it into a printed book. Judging from the internal website statistics, so far roughly 3000 official university websites world wide have already visited this web-domain. I am extremely grateful for their visits... I am also extremely thankful to the kind and encouraging opinions I have received from my friends and readers. Many of them will indeed become my true and lasting friends....
      The theory of Regenerating Universe was already started in my teens and forged into shape during 1979 and the 1980s Of course, it is still growing, and as long as human brains still master common logical senses and believe in facts, I believe it should continue to grow. This website is divided into two parts. A complete and detailed theory of cosmology is contained under the part named "Main Contents", which describes the structures and functions of the Regenerating Universe based solely on known and proven phenomena of natural sciences. It includes the origin of cosmic radiations, the explanations of universal expansion, the nature and speed of light, also the detailed explanation for the origin of gravity, and the structure as well as the regenerating life cycles of the universe. It also includes the origin and evolution of life, as well as nature's cause and influence on DNA and regeneration of life, and lots more! In fact, it describes a completely new understanding of the universe with full and plain explanations. There is no indigestible fantasies, nor complications of mathematics, yet it does illustrate the structures and functions of the observed universe. In order to do so, it contains also strong rebuttals with full explanations against the Big Bang model of universe as well as the roots from which big bang and other fantasies sprang forth, i.e. the theories of relativity, etc.,. The other part of this website is called the "Related Topic", which, as the name implies, discusses other matters of interest and of importance. The Regenerating Universe Theory may therefore be shortened as T.R.U.TH. I think anyone who has completed reading of the entire presentation would understand why I give it this name...
      Good luck to you all!

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