
今早收到一位名叫“Tjabring van Egten”由荷兰寄来的电邮。信中提到他家的迁移,并希望能找到他们在中国的家乡与根源。

我现将这位宗亲的信件原文附上。如果任何宗亲有他们那支的资料请与我联系。你也可以直接给Tjabring van Egten发电邮。不过据他说说,他对中文字认识不多。沟通上可能会有些困难。

Amstelveen, 22 September 2012

Dear Sir,
I like to ask your help with the search for our Tjan / 曾 ( Zeng)  family roots in China. It would be great to find out where our ancestors came from in China in terms of village, county & province. Our family lived for many years in Yogyakarta (1880 -1925) and Semarang (1925-1940) in Indonesia. The family moved from there all over Indonesia and even the rest of the world, like The Netherlands, United States, Canada. Maybe also to Singapore. On a gravestone we found 龍山 ( Long Shan). On the place where you most times find the ancestral village.
The Romanized name for曾 was in the Dutch East Indies: Tjan
For our own research we managed to find out a lot of information which could lead to more information about this family. The oldest know direct family is Tjan Lian Tjoe ( probably spelled like) He was probably from Fujian (Hokkien).
This our family as we know it:
曾 family Tjan from Yogyakarta ( Java) Indonesia
- Around 1850 Tjan Lian Tjoe   Generation 5 (great-great-grandparents)
Tjan Lian Tjioe           possible spelling:          Lian 连,莲,涟,年                                   Tjioe 周,秋,州,洲,树
Tjan Lian Tjioe had a printing business in Yogyakarta, De Mataramsche Drukkerij
- Around 1880 Tjan Djie Siong ( probably曾如松) Tjan Djie Peek ( for sure 曾如柏)   Generation 4 (great-grandparents)
Also a Tjan Loen Tik  and a Tjan Loen Wie
On the grave of Tjan Djie Peek we found two big symbols: 龍山 ( Long Shan).
- Around 1900 The sons are called:
曾衡全 Heng Chuan (Jan Hing Tjwan)
曾衡宣 Heng Xuan (Boen?) (Piet Hing Boen)
曾衡蘭 Heng Lan (Victor Hing Lan)
曾衡幾 Heng Ji (Ki) (Adolfus Hing Kie)
曾衡山 Heng San (Henk Hing San)
曾衡旦 Heng Dan (Tan) Karel Hing Tan
曾衡丈 Heng Zhang (Fred Hing Swan)
曾衡岫 Heng Xiu (Siu) Wim Hing Siu
Generation 3 (grandparents)
The daugthers:
曾維娘 Wei Niang (Theresia Wit Nio)
曾寶娘 Bao Niang (Tilly Poo Nio),
曾銀娘 Yin Niang (Lies Gien Nio)
曾福娘 Fu Niang (Lena Hok Nio)
曾貴娘 Gui Niang (Corry Kwie Nio)
曾珍娘 Chen Niang (Tona Tien Nio) Generation 3 (grandparents)
- Around 1950 Example names are   Tjan Soe Gie, Tjan Soe Djien, Tjan Soe Houw, Tjan Soe Tjin, Tjan Soe Ging Generation 2 (parents)
- Around 1970 Non Chinese names like Oliver Gunawan  Generation 1 (proband). Our generation
We understood that when an overseas Chinese like the family Tjan, he may have sent money back to the village to build a house, school, village gate - this may be recorded by the association.  Sometimes, overseas Chinese even pay for an update to the family genealogy book.  A published obituary may also have details of his Chinese origins and heritage.  
These are the kind of questions we have for your association. Could you provides us with some help in our research for our roots?
Kind regards,
Tjabring van Egten
Praam 376
1186 TT Amstelveen
The Netherlands
Email: tjabring@vanegten.com


我想请您协助我搜寻我Tjan/ 曾 (Zeng) 家在中国的根源。如果您能帮我找到我们的祖先来自中国的那个村,县和省。我将感激不尽。我族曾在印尼日惹(1880 -1925),三宝垄(1925年至1940年)生活了很多年。后来,族人逐渐迁移到印尼各地,有些甚至迁移到世界其他国家,如荷兰,美国,加拿大。也许有些也已移民到新加坡。在祖先的墓碑上,我们发现写有 龙山 (Long Shan)两字。这可能就是我家来印尼前的故居。

曾 在罗马字母拼音在荷属东印度群岛是写成 :Tjan
我们在寻根的路程中找到许多对于我们这个家庭的详细信息。目前我们能追查到最老祖先是TjanLianTjoe(真正的名字拼写可能不一样 ),他大概是从福建(闽南)迁移过来的。


曾家(Tjan) 日惹(爪哇)印尼

- TjanLianTjoe (约1850年 第5代太公)
  TjanLianTjioe 的中文字可能是:Lian 连,莲,涟,年     Tjioe 周,秋,州,洲, 树
  TjanLianTjioe曾在日惹开了一家印刷公司,De Mataramsche Drukkerij
  Tjan Djie (- 1880年) (原名可能是曾如松) Tjan Djie PEEK(原名为 曾如柏 )第4代曾祖父)
  Tjan Leon Tik Tjan Leon Wie

在Tjan Djie Peek 的坟碑上,我们发现了“龙山”两个大字(Long Shan)。

- 约1900年,儿子的名字为:
  曾衡全 Heng Chuan (Jan Hing Tjwan)
  曾衡宣 Heng Xuan (Boen?) (Piet Hing Boen)
  曾衡兰 横栏(维克多兴兰)
  曾衡幾 Heng Ji (Ki) (Adolfus Hing Kie)
  曾衡山 Heng San (Henk Hing San)
  曾衡旦 Heng Dan (Tan) Karel Hing Tan
  曾衡丈 Heng Zhang (Fred Hing Swan)
  曾衡岫 Heng Xiu (Siu) Wim Hing Siu
  曾維娘 Wei Niang (Theresia Wit Nio)
  曾寶娘 Bao Niang (Tilly Poo Nio),
  曾銀娘 Yin Niang (Lies Gien Nio)
  曾福娘 Fu Niang (Lena Hok Nio)
  曾貴娘 Gui Niang (Corry Kwie Nio)
  曾珍娘 Chen Niang (Tona Tien Nio) Generation 3 (grandparents)
- 约1950年 第2代(父母)部分家庭成员名字为,
  Tjan Soe Gie,
  Tjan Soe Djien,
  Tjan Soe Houw,
  Tjan Soe Tjin,
  Tjan Soe Ging
- 约1970年,也就是我这代。使用的已经不是中文名了,如Oliver Gunawan。
据我了解,就如我家一样身在海外的华侨,他们会经常寄钱回村盖房子,学校,牌楼等。在当地的社区是会有详细的记录。 有时,海外华侨也会出钱赞修族谱。在发布的讣告中,也可能记有死者在的中国渊源和遗产的详细信息。  
Tjabring van Egten
Praam 376
1186 TT Amstelveen

[P]他们应该先找到:印尼日惹(1880 -1925),三宝垄(1925年至1940年),才可以找到中国大陆的祖居地。[/P][P]可以肯定的是,他们是龙山派。[/P]
就不知道他是否还会说印尼话。 [EM23] 跟台泉沟通时应该用印尼语,英语,华语,还是福建话?[EM21]


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