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    鏈黴菌黑色素基因表現的模式為本實驗室的研究系統,除了「訊息傳導」的研究外,目前在從事轉移 RNA 基因表現以及銅離子代謝基因表現的基本探討:已經獲得複殖的 tRNA(Glu-Glu)基因及對銅離子敏感 的突變菌株。未來數年內,擬再往應用方面開發古細菌耐高溫酵素的遺傳工程,初步的建立耐高溫枯草桿菌基因庫及篩選技術已經完成,研究經費來源預備向國科會及農委會爭取,也籌劃與李重義副教授聯合向產業界爭取。



    Chiu, S. Y., H. C. Tseng, and Y. C. Wu. 1973. Immune response during hyperimmunization (Ⅲ) Dissociation of immuno-genicities to guinea pigs at the critical dosage of soybean trypsin inhibitor. J. Formosan Med. Assoc. 72:480-484.

    Chiu, S. Y., Y. S. Yeh, and H. C. Tseng. 1974. Immune response during hyperinnunization (Ⅶ)Cellualr immunity induced in guinea pigs with soybean antigens. J. Formosan Med. Assoc. 73:740-745.

    Tseng, H. C., D. H. Chao, and J. L. Kuo. 1981. Salmonellae in Tan-Shi river. Chinese Journal of Microbiology and Immunology. 14:59-67.

    Chao, S. H., H. C. Tseng, C. C. Yeh, and S. L. Chen. 1984. The study of detecting Salmonella in oyster cultures in the southwestern coast in Taiwan. J. Chinese Public Health Assoc. 1:37-45.

    Chung, K. T., H. C. Tseng, Y. F. Lai, H. H. Sung, and C. C. Wang. 1985. Microbiological, physical and chemical studies of liverstock-farm water in Taiwan. Agricultural Wasters. 14:1-18.

    Tseng, H. C., C. K. Lin, B. J. Hsu, W. M. Leu, Y. H. Lee, S. J. Chiou, N. T. Hu, and C. W. Chwn. 1990. The melanin operon of Streptomyces antibioticus: expression and use as a marker in Gram-negative bacteria. Gene. 86:123-128.

    Tseng, H. C. and C. W. Chen. 1991. A cloned ompR-like gene of Streptomeces lividans 66 suppresses defective melC1, a putative copper-transfer gene. Molecular Microbiology. 5:1187-1196.

    Weng, J. S., H. C. Wong, S. Y. Lee, C. C. Liu, C. M. Yu, Y. S. Lee, H. C. Tseng, and K. Y. Lu. 1995. Demonstration of a Fur-like system in Vibrio parahaemolyticus by characterizing its managanese-resistant mutants (submitted). Chinese Journal of Microbiology and Immunology.

    曾惠中. 1995. 遺傳工程的發展及其社會影響. 通識教育季刊. 2:161-172.
    Chen, C. W., H. C. Tseng, C. K. Lin, B. J. Hsu, and W. M. Leu. 1988. The melanin genes of Streptomyces antibiotics: expression in Escherichia coli and use as a cloning marker. Seventh International symposium on Biology of Actinomycetes. 125.

    Chen, C. W. and H. C. Tseng. 1988. Isolation of a suppressor mutant of Streptomyces lividans. Seventh International Symposium on Biology of Actinomycetes. 150.

    Tseng, H. C. and C. W. Chen. 1989. Isolation and analysis of a Streptomyces gene suppressing melC1 mutations. Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meeting of Chinese Microbiology Society. 22. M-30.

    Tseng, H. C. and C. W. Chen. 1990. Genetic suppression of defective melC1 gene of Streptomyces antibioticus by an ompR-like gene of Streptomyces lividans. UCLA Symposium on Molecular Biology of Streptomycetes, CC113, J. Celluar Biochem. 14A. 109.

    Chang, H. M., H. C. Tseng, and C. W. Chen. 1990. Studies on the cutR operon of Streptomyces. Proceedings of the 24th Annual Meeting of chinese Microbiology Society.

    Tseng, H. C., H. M. Cahng, and C. W. Chen. 1991. The structure of the cutR operon of Streptomyces. Eighth International Symposium on Biology of Actinomycetes. 1-033.

    余忠銘,黃顯宗,李士瑛,林慧智,翁瑞禧,路光予,曾惠中. 1994. 利用跳躍子突變法研究鐵源利用與腸炎弧菌致病性的相關性. 微生物學年會.

    余艾芬,羅夢珍,曾惠中,金傳春. 1999. 日本腦炎病毒株所誘發抗體之中和能力探討. 中華民國公共衛生學會年會.

    林聖展,郭曉卉,鄭雅莉,李重義,曾惠中. 2001. 嗜酸耐高溫菌Bacillus acidocaldarius 49-1 葡萄糖異構酵素基因之選殖. 中華民國微生物學會年會.


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